The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost

the 1 less traveled by

A move to Nicaragua

Eating in Nicaragua

Eating in Nicaragua

What We Eat

After writing my blog Cost of Living in San Juan del Sur, I realized we spend a lot of money on groceries. Although food here can be quite affordable if you eat only local fruits & vegetables, eggs, rice & beans, and Nica cheese, my family demands more of a variety and a lot of protein.

Pork Fried RiceShopping can be quite a chore in Nicaragua because to get the freshest ingredients you have to go to several stores. I do a meal plan every week and attempt to get all the grocery shopping done on one day. I go to the main grocery store (Palí), a bakery (panadería) for bread, the fish market (Acopio), the vegetable market (el mercado), and a store that sells “Gringo” items  aka ingredients not found in typical Nicaraguan food (Miscelanea Sanchez).

Pasta SaladIt is expected to offer your domestic help lunch if they work during lunch hours, so we feed our house cleaner, Juanita, lunch 6 days per week. Most of these days, she also prepares the meal and we are able to sit down as a family and eat lunch together…even during the work week.

There are a few grocery items that I use regularly that I notice are quite a bit more expensive than in the United States. (*US prices from

ItemCost in NicaraguaCost in USA
Black Olives$2.54$1.17
Soy Sauce 15 fl oz$4.92$2.28
Rice Vinegar 20 oz$6.44$2.41
Sesame Oil 218 ml$8.14$4.15
Olive Oil 25.5 oz$8.64$5.74
Canned Tomatoes$1.83$.98
Jif Peanut Butter 16 oz$5.93$2.48
Cheddar Cheese 32 oz$10$6.47
Hunts Traditional Tomato Sauce$2.54$1

Ceviche with Gallo Pinto and AvocadoWhen we first moved to San Juan del Sur I found cooking to be very frustrating because there were always ingredients on the recipes I found that were unavailable here. Then I discovered a Facebook group that was created for people here to share their recipes and often explain where to find the obscure ingredients or what was used as a substitute. This changed everything! Listed below are a couple of the meals we ate recently with links to the recipe if I used one.

Butternut LasagnaEggs and toast
Fruit Smoothies
Bagels & Cheese
Spicy Peanut Noodle and Pasta Salad
Chicken Breast Wraps
Shredded Beef with Rice
Chicken Breast with Rice & Beans and Cabbage Salad
Ground Beef Tacos
Chicken Soup
Fried Chicken with Rice & Beans and Cabbage Salad
Pasta Salad
Coconut Kale with Roasted Fish and Coconut Rice (substituted a white fish instead of salmon)
Curried Lentil Soup
Spaghetti alla Carbonara
Caramelized Pork Tacos with Pineapple Salsa
Parmesan Chicken & Pasta
Pork Fried Rice
Kale & Butternut Squash Lasagna
Creamy Lemon Parmesan Chicken (substituted lime and lemon essential oil)
Brown Sugar Glazed Pork Chops & Pureed Cauliflower

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